Dr. Tron Young


Be The Thermostat

It is crucial to be intentional and purposeful in setting the culture of your school or classroom. We have to be the Thermostat and not the thermometer. There is a clear and distinct difference. The thermometer reads what is going on, how the students interact, how the building/classroom is flowing, and what parents are saying (the parent response). The Thermostat transforms. The Thermostat sets clear expectations, continuously adjusts for student interactions, partners with parents, and initiates actions to set the culture of the building, classroom, and any environment it is a part of.
Ask yourself, are you the THERMOSTAT or the THERMOMETER?

Lil Bit _Back to School Remix

Dr. Young has done it again! Here is another remix to motivate and inspire my students to have a great year! JAMS students ..Show Us What You Know!…Just a Lil Bit!

JAMS Principal _You're My Students _ Savage Remix

Another remix to motivate my students for the new school year. Whether they are at home or at school, I want my students to know they are talented, focused, and driven. Their future is bright!
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